IRW 2000 - Friday 25th August, Largs

Ahhhh, Friday. By know we were used to the hard ground of the camp site, and becoming familiar faces at the cafe. Mike even dared ask for an egg in his bacon roll. Pete & Angela's breakfast tales were becoming more and more unbelievable. Apparently if they cleared their plates, they got more the next day. And did they ever think to bring is a doggy bag?

Shaun preps bullpup more prep Mike with tsb2 tsb2 interceptor i

Accusatory Finger of Suspicion test flight

Darren decided to do a test flight before his UKRA L2 certification flight. Just as well, he was so stressed out prepping this test flight, the pressure of someone watching him do it would have mad him pop. In the end though, all was well. A perfact flight on an I211W. Roll on K-Lob, and the J350.

final prep pose ain't she cute lift off roar into the sky

NSRG Flight Statistics

Flier Rocket Motor Comments
Mike Interceptor I H123W A much strengthend Interceptor G flew to 1567 feet
Mike Tube Snake Boogie 2 I284W Mike's scratch built tube fin rocket flew to 1752 feet
Shaun PML Bullpuppy H180W Third flight of Shaun's UKRA L1 rocket
Darren Accusatory Finger of Suspicion I211 This stretched PML Miranda with CPR flew to 2635 ft
Pete LOC Viper III 3xD12-3 This time ignition was by quickmatch
Angela Ballistic Banana F20-4W 711ft (G-Wiz) UKRA F class altitude record
Angela Patrinot I211W Based on the PML Patriot, flew to 2224 ft (G-Wiz)
Pete Rohini G35-7W Bypassed Spackington, but only via the suburb of Zipperfield

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