IRW 2000 - Tuesday 22nd August, Largs

There wasn't much flying to speak of on Tuesday. Darren and Shaun arrived just in the nick of time to see the cafe shut, and Mike arrived a little later. After the pitching (Why pitching? There's not much throwing involved and very little tar?) of tents, and the unloading of rockets it was quite late. Just enough time to open a few bottles of beer, and partake in the annual ceremony of watching Pete Davy and his Dad assemble the shop. Thrilling as that is, the excitement wanes after a couple of hours. Thankfully Pete had come prepared and produced some Stomp Rockets.

Now Stomp Rockets are entertaining enough, but after a dull, five hour drive and a few beers, there is no finer entertainment.

Darren & Shaun play stomp rockets

NSRG Flight Statistics

Flier Rocket Motor Comments
Darren Stomp Size 9 It's all in the ankle.

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